Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Guided By Computer App

My fearless team leader Janeeka took me to the dentist yesterday, and she navigated there by using an app on her handheld thingy.  I don't know which app it was, or what make the thingy was.  Anyway, it was amazing to hear instructions coming from the app and seeing how they matched up perfectly with reality.

That's the first step in a computer driven car.  The next step is a driverless car, and those are currently being tested in California.  For me and people like me, such cars would be a huge step towards greater personal independence.

1 comment:

  1. It's coming. Michael Hingson, the blind man who famously came out of Tower 2 on 9/11 with his dog Rozelle, once flew a plane.
    p. 92, 2011 paper, Hingson & Flory, Thunderdog

    His fondest dream is to be a licensed driver.
    all the best to you, Valerie
