Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I haven't eaten breakfast in years; it's simpler that way. Here, I haven't asked to have lunch early since I don't have breakfast; I go along with when they give it to me, which is generally somewhere around 12:30. A regular schedule seems to be established for the moment. On Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday high school girls who train here give me lunch, and they do a good job. What happens with them when school is out for the summer, I don't know. On Tuesday, Saturday, and Sunday, the aide I have that morning generally gives me lunch.

Today is Tuesday. The aide I had this morning didn't bring my lunch until well after one. Maybe she was legitimately busy with somebody else, but other aides virtually always get to me well before that. I think it's another function of a large staff at a large nursing home, a bureaucratic instinct. The staff members know the residents will be here whenever they get to us, so some of them may not really push to keep some kind of schedule.

In my own home, with aides focused on me, I could set my own daily schedule.

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