Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Over the last few years, since Mom got to where she couldn't help me into the bathroom, I've lived in fear of having diarrhea.  Well, that finally happened this morning.  Luckily-- I guess it was luckily-- I'm still wearing Depends because of the cancer treatments, so it was pretty much contained.  My aide Charlene was really good about it. She was kind and efficient in cleaning me up.

It was still humiliating, though.  It goes back to my thing about losing control of myself, I suppose.  My Uncle Walt, who traveled a lot during his work, used to tell funny stories about when he got diarrhea on the highway, but this isn't funny to me.  And, of course, I still have two more cancer treatments in this current set.  It's going to be a long couple of weeks.

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